Perihelion Custom font - Version 2.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Perihelion 8 and 11 point fonts are fixed-width fonts with ship, planet, and other graphics added in the range from character 160-255. The 8 point font is ideal with a non-interlaced screen, while the 11 point font was designed for a 640x400 aspect ratio. They are intended for use with "PERIHELION", the BBX online game. To install these fonts, type "Execute EXECUTE-ME". Then set your terminal program to use Perihelion.font, Size 8 or 11. With JR-Comm, for example, this involves entering the "General" configuration, and changing the font setting in the lower left portion of the window. By default, Perihelion assumes that you do not have the custom font available. To inform it that you DO, choose the (M)odify Configuration option from the Control menu. -----> Craig Dorrell